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Archive for February, 2021

The Interior Parts Involved in HVAC Repair in Spring Lake

Posted on: February 28th, 2021 by admin

HVAC repair in Spring Lake being done on opened furnace with meter attached to wires by repairman wearing jeans, black t-shirt, and black baseball hatHVAC repair can be a very confusing topic. There are a lot of moving parts and most people don’t know much about it. However, understanding just a little bit about the basic parts of your HVAC system can make it easier to maintain. Think how much easier it will be the next time you have to call us. If you know what part of your machine is making a noise or having a problem, repair can be rectified quicker. For anyone that isn’t a client of ours, we hope this can help all homeowners feel more confident when speaking to any HVAC repair company. With just a little bit of knowledge, anyone can feel secure knowing they won’t be talked into parts or repair that is unnecessary. This month we’ll discuss the indoor portion of the system involved in basic HVAC repair in Spring Lake.

Let’s Start with the Basics

The indoor portion of a heating and cooling system, called the furnace, controls the heating of your home. The outdoor portion, or condenser unit that we’ll talk about next month, does the cooling. Most homeowners know where the furnace is located and what its basic function is. However, there are many moving parts in a furnace which means there is a lot that can go wrong. Knowing just a little bit about each moving part of your furnace can help you, which can help us, determine what is going wrong with your furnace if you have a problem. By having a small amount of information about your furnace helps to make it less scary which allows you, as a homeowner, to take a little more control of your furnace’s maintenance. This helps keep it running more efficiently, lasts longer, and reduce your energy bills and repair bills.

Your Thermostat Talks Directly to Your Furnace

In the winter, your thermostat will send a signal to your furnace when the air in your home is detected to be at the level which you set. One of the most important and easy things a homeowner can do to ensure proper functioning is to change the batteries in the thermostat when you change all other batteries like a smoke alarm or carbon monoxide detector. A furnace does not “create” air, it simply treats and circulates the air that already exists in your home.

First, you set your thermostat to the temperature you would like the air in your home to be. When the air reaches that temperature, the furnace is triggered by the thermostat. This turns on the pilot light for the burner in the combustion chamber which starts the heating process. Then, it begins to pull in cool air through vents in your home called return registers into the large portion of the furnace called the air handler. This is what many people would identify as the furnace itself. It is inside the air handler that all the magic happens. 

One important thing to take notice of is that all your registers are open and clear of any obstructions like curtains or furniture. Also, it is not recommended to shut any vents in your home to “conserve energy” for the same reason. Check out Myth #3 in this article to learn why!

Air First has to Pass Through the Filter

Aside from changing the batteries in a thermostat, maintaining the air filter in your furnace is another easy step. Just as reduced air flow through vents can cause your HVAC to fail, a clogged filter can do the same. The purpose of the filter is to allow clean, dust free air to flow through the furnace. Without it, furnaces would shut down constantly from dirt and debris inside gears and electrical components. See our post on air filters to learn more!

HVAC Repair in Spring Lake Can Involve What Comes Next

Next, air enters the blower. This is a fan that pushes cold air through the furnace. It then helps to push that warm air all through your home. Cool air moves through the blower into the combustion chamber to be heated. As the air passes through this part, it absorbs the heat. Now it is ready to exit the system through supply registers. One last item that homeowners in a multi-story home should be familiar with is the damper. This is a door that directs warm and cold air to different areas of the home. In winter, for example, you want more warm air directed downstairs since warm air rises. Most non-manual damper systems will have a large lever with the labels “Summer” and “Winter.” Before you pick up the phone to schedule your HVAC repair in Spring Lake, make sure you have your dampers set right!

HVAC Repair in Spring Lake Doesn’t Have to be Scary

The more you know about the parts of your HVAC system, the easier it is to speak with a company who provides HVAC repair in Spring Lake. We not only assist Spring Lake, but many areas in Ocean County. We hope this has helped even a few people understand just a little bit more about their furnace. Be sure to check back next month when we go over the outdoor portion of an HVAC system!

Is your Furnace Screaming for Emergency Heating Repair Toms River?

Posted on: February 1st, 2021 by admin

Emergency heating repair Toms River, man with megaphone with text Help on top and "Don't ignore the signs" on bottomAs we talked about last month, strange noises coming from your HVAC unit are important and should not be ignored. There are a variety of things that can go wrong with your furnace. Many of these things will trigger a strange sound to be made whenever your furnace is running. Sometimes a noise doesn’t mean anything bad at all. Occasionally there are noises that happen rarely and you just may not have heard it before. Any time you hear a noise that strikes you as odd coming from your furnace, give us a call. We can help you determine if we need to take a look at your HVAC system or if everything seems fine. Our expertly trained staff will know whether the noise you are detecting is a normal sound or one to be concerned about. In order to avoid needing us for emergency heating repair Toms River, call TRHAC soon as something sounds off.

Let Us Set Your Nerves at Ease

Sometimes a noise is just a noise. A furnace shouldn’t be disruptive to your daily life when it comes to sound, but it will inevitably make some noises. For example, you may hear a click or pop when the furnace first turns on. Many times, the pilot light being ignited sounds like this and is a totally normal noise. Another example is that some homeowners will report hearing banging noises coming from their ducts. This can most often be explained by the metal of the ductwork expanding and contracting as the hot or cold air travels through them.

We’ll Tell You When to be Concerned

Even though we just explained than many noises that your furnace makes can be normal, we never want you to assume all the noises you hear are okay. It is always better to contact us about any noise and be assured it’s nothing instead of finding out it was something too late.


You should always report any noise that sounds like a grinding to us as soon as possible. This is commonly an alert that the ball bearings in the blower motor need to be lubricated. During our inspection our technician will perform this task. However, if you neglected to call us for your Toms River HVAC maintenance, this may be a problem for you.


This may sound similar to what you hear in your car if you have trouble with a belt. It is usually the same for your furnace. It is best to call us as soon as possible so you can avoid emergency heating repair Toms River bills. Most belts will make a noise before they fail. If you are paying attention to your furnace, you should be able to detect any strange sounds that could indicate a belt that needs replacing.


A metal-on-metal scraping noise is great cause for concern. This could be a signal that your furnace blower wheel is damaged or having trouble operating properly. If you don’t attend to this red flag immediately, you could be left in the cold. It could be that the wheel is loose or may need replacing due to normal wear and tear.

Emergency heating repair Toms River bill attached to clipboard of technician shown in background with tools and toolbox

Ignoring Signals Could Lead to Emergency Heating Repair Toms River

No matter what noise coming from you furnace you are concerned about, it is always better to ask us, the professionals to be safe. Some noises could be pointing to a problem with your pilot light or electrical. The danger of this is that it could lead to carbon monoxide poisoning. All homes should have at least one carbon monoxide detector per floor in their homes to protect themselves from this very dangerous occurrence. Just as the noises your in-home alarms make to alert you that there is something wrong, your furnace could be trying to tell you something is wrong. Don’t ignore it. Don’t overlook the first warning signs of trouble and find yourself needing us for emergency heating repair Toms River. As always, your best chance of avoiding a broken furnace this winter is to schedule regular inspections. Contact us today.