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Archive for May, 2023

Smart Thermostat Installation Maximizes Efficiency

Posted on: May 31st, 2023 by admin

When used correctly, having a smart thermostat installed in Toms River can maximize the efficiency of your heater and air conditioner. A smart thermostat can learn your habits and automatically adjust the temperature based on your preferences and schedule, saving you time and energy in the long run. To maximize efficiency and save energy, there are a few tips to keep in mind after a smart thermostat installation

How to Set a Smart Thermostat to Improve Efficiency

One of the best features of a smart thermostat is the programmable feature. This allows homeowners to increase and decrease the temperature based on the household habits. For maximum efficiency, set the temperature for times when you are home and awake to a comfortable level. Then, set it lower (in the winter) or higher (in the summer) for times when you are away or sleeping. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, homeowners can save up to 10% on their heating and cooling bills by setting their thermostat back 7-10 degrees Fahrenheit for 8 hours a day.

Check Your Thermostat Often

Many smart thermostat issues are based solely on improper settings. For example, there may be a time when you want the program on hold. The trouble comes in if you forget to reset it. Use the hold feature sparingly. This feature will override all program settings so can lead to higher energy usage if the program is not restarted. Also, forgetting to adjust the temperatures of the program based on the season is a common issue. Your programming should change based on the season, as the ideal temperature range will differ. In the winter, for example, set your thermostat to a lower temperature when you are away or sleeping, and in the summer, set it higher. Lastly, people’s routine schedules can change often. Not changing your smart thermostat program to align with those changes defeats the energy saving potential of these devices.

 Contact a Professional for Smart Thermostat Installation in Toms River

The biggest downside to smart thermostats is the installation. There are many things homeowners can do themselves around the home, but installing a smart thermostat on your own is not one of them. 

For one, you might want to consider zoning your home. If you have a large home, multiple levels, or drastically different sun and shade exposure throughout your home, multiple heating and cooling zones may be best for your home. This allows you to program your thermostat for each zone separately to maximize energy efficiency. A one zone system limits how well it can efficiently heat or cool a home. 

Also, smart thermostats often need to integrate with existing HVAC systems, such as furnaces, air conditioners, and heat pumps. Our professionals can assess your current system and ensure that the smart thermostat is compatible and properly integrated. They can also configure the thermostat settings to optimize energy efficiency and performance.

Something else to consider is that smart thermostat installation in Toms River involves working with electrical wiring and HVAC systems. If you’re not familiar with these systems, there is a risk of making mistakes that could lead to damage or improper functionality. Hiring a professional reduces the chances of costly errors and ensures that the installation is done correctly the first time.

Homeowner looking at cell phone to use smart thermostatt app

Lastly, installing a smart thermostat can be time-consuming. Hiring a professional, you save yourself the hassle of researching, troubleshooting, and potentially spending hours on installation. Contact a professional and be able to enjoy the efficiency of your smart thermostat sooner.

Professional installers have the necessary expertise and knowledge to handle smart thermostat installations. In order to maximize the efficiency of a smart thermostat, follow these tips and contact Toms River Heating and Air Conditioning for smart thermostat installation in Toms River.