Smart thermostats are the future of homes in the United States, and for some pretty significant reasons we’ll get into below.
Why bring this up now? Because starting in April 2019, we’re offering up to $1,700 in savings in a Lennox iComfort wifi smart thermostat systems. With that in mind, we thought we’d outline exactly why smart thermostats are the future and how they can improve your life.
Before we outline some of the features smart thermostats have, we want to be clear: not all smart thermostats have all these features. Features can different depending on the manufacturer and model, so if a particular feature catches your eye, be sure to mention it to us so we can ensure you get the model that is right for your needs.
And how, here are some fantastic ways these modern devices can make your life better:
Control It From Your Phone
Among the most common features of most smart thermostat systems is the ability to control the thermostat from anywhere you have cell service. On vacation in Hawaii and see that you’re getting a bad cold snap back home? A tap on your phone and you can adjust the temperature so your pipes don’t freeze. Away for the weekend in the middle of summer and worried a sudden heat wave will bother your cats? You can adjust the A/C no matter where you are. This is a powerful tool that offers great peace of mind.
Detailed App-Based Scheduling
Thermostats that allow you to schedule heat and cooling cycles are not new. These days, most people in our area have thermostats that allow you to automatically turn down the heat or A/C while you are at work, and have the temperature automatically adjust when you get home. What these new app-based scheduling features allow you to do is to not only do this remotely, but to create highly in-depth temperature management schedules that allow you to customize with great detail. Hourly, daily, weekly, weekends, holidays – whatever your needs, these apps can handle it.
They Can Detect Where You Are
Some smart thermostat systems come equipped with motion detectors that can sense when you are in a room. This data lets the systems determine what rooms are getting used most often and when, allowing them to better schedule heating and cooling cycles so you get maximum impact for your dollar. This can be a huge boost for your energy efficiency.
AI Learning Algorithms
In conjunction with the motion detectors mentioned above, some smart thermostat systems can adjust their own schedules based on the way your home is being used. That means even if you set it and forget it, the system itself will “learn” and adjust itself as needed.
Track Your Energy Use
A great feature of newer smart thermostats is that they can provide detailed statistics regarding your energy use. This allows you to get a better idea of where and when you are using more energy than you realize, and adjust your lifestyle accordingly. Is that “always on” video game system you have sucking up more power than you knew? With a smart thermostat, you’ll know to unplug it between uses.
Save You Money On Your Energy Bills
This is the obvious one, which is why we saved it for last. When you invest in a smart thermostat system, it’s a true investment. You’re saving money every month on your energy bills, and that adds up over the long term.
Are you interested in knowing more? Contact us at 732-244-2880 and ask about what the smart thermostats we carry can do for you.