A man in Toms River needs an air conditioning repair company
Summer is here. In a perfect world, you’d coast through the summer without an issue, your air conditioner keeping you cool the entire time, but we don’t live in a perfect world. Problems happen. Fixes are needed.
This isn’t about doom and gloom – most of these issues can be addressed without breaking the bank – it’s about awareness. The more you know about your home or business HVAC, the better off you’ll be, not only because you’ll have a better understanding of what’s wrong, but also so you can cut some problems off at the pass before they become BIG problems.
Here are some of the most common we encounter:
Open Doors & Windows
Believe it or not, a good functioning A/C is about more than just setting your thermostat and forgetting about it. When you run the A/C, be sure your windows and doors are closed. This may seem obvious, but some people enjoy a cool home while still getting an outdoor breeze. The problem is, this puts huge strain on your air conditioner. Either run the A/C or open the windows. One or the other, not both!
Poor Installation
This is one that frustrates us when we show up to service homes and businesses where someone else did the installation. To be clear, most contractors are reputable and we have great respect for our colleagues in the industry. Still, a bad apple slips through now and then. Improper installation of central air can result in poor airflow and leaky ducts, which can make your system inefficient. Other installation issues include not charging the refrigerant properly.
Bad Fuse or Circuit Breaker
Sometimes, the problem isn’t even with your A/C. If your unit stops working, let it cool down for about ten minutes then check your fuses or circuit breaker. Reset them if needed. You might be surprised, that may be all there is to it!
High-Pressure Limit Switch is Tripped
Here’s another easy one: On extremely hot days when your A/C is working extra hard, sometimes the high-pressure limit switch is tripped. There is a reset button on the compressor’s access panel. Give the system time to cool, then reset. If the problem persists, call a service technician! (And if you’re not sure how to do this, don’t attempt it yourself. You don’t want to cause even bigger problems!)
Electrical System Failure
Wires, terminals, fan controls, and the compressor can wear out over time. This is especially true when your A/C turns on and off a lot. This isn’t an easy fix for most homeowners, but thankfully if this is your issue, a quick service call can usually diagnose the problem.
Refrigerant Leaks
Low refrigerant is not normal. It’s an issue that generally indicates that it was undercharged during installation or, more worrying, that you have a refrigerant leak. Thankfully, these issues are usually simple to diagnose (though not always as easy to repair). A technician can fix leaks and test your system to ensure the fix took.
Poor (or no) Maintenance
When your coils become dirty or blocked, your unit is not going to be as efficient. This can even lead to your compressor or fans failing well before their time. This is why annual maintenance is a must!
Drainage Issues / Condensation Drain Blocked
When the summer months get humid or there are long periods of rain, sometimes the condensate drain can get clogged, making your A/C struggle to maintain cool temperatures, or sometimes not even work at all.
Do you have an issue that needs to be addressed? Give us a call at (732) 244-2880 and we’ll take a look at your system, evaluate it, and tell you how to ensure it runs at peak efficiency.