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Archive for May, 2021

Smart Thermostat Installation Toms River Helps Save Money

Posted on: May 31st, 2021 by admin

Energy bills begin to rise with the start of every summer. It’s unavoidable right? What if we told you there was a way to keep your energy bills manageable? One of the easiest ways to take control of your energy bills is to take control of the thermostat. The goal is to not heat or cool your home when it is not necessary, but also make your home comfortable while you are home. Additionally, maintaining your HVAC system is crucial to keeping energy bills down. The more efficient a system is, the less energy it has to use to reach the desired temperature. When it is time for your annual heating and cooling system service, give us a call! And if we provide you with enough information that you decide on a smart thermostat installation Toms River, give Toms River Heating and Air Conditioning a call for that too!

Smart Thermostats Versus Programmable Thermostats

Smart Thermostats can be run with an app as woman is shown doing in picture

Programmable and smart thermostats are similar in a lot of ways. They both assist in saving money on energy bills and both are simple to use. One only works if you set it up, the other learns from you and starts to adjust itself to your routine.

A thermostat that you can program often lets you set desired temperatures for certain times of day. Some give you the option of a weekday and a weekend program. This is great for households with a standard Monday through Friday itinerary. Others may give you the option of a different routine for every day of the week. Setting a program is the best way to manage your energy bills. So, in this way, programmable thermostats are great. The biggest problem with programmable thermostats is that a homeowner only enjoys the savings benefit if they actually program the thermostat. A large percentage of homes with programmable thermostats have never set a schedule and continue to pay more a month on energy bills than they need to.

Smart thermostats, however, are even better. Where the programmable thermostat leaves off, a smart thermostat picks up. A smart thermostat can actually learn your habits and begin to adjust itself to run in the most efficient way. These devices all are associated with an app as well which allows you to control the temperature in your home from your phone. No matter where you are. Get stuck in a meeting? Delay the air conditioning for another hour with a simple swipe. Have an irregular schedule that is always changing? A smart thermostat can navigate that with no problem. Plus, smart thermostat installation in Toms River can track and record data giving homeowners insight into their energy usage like never before.

The Real Advantage of Smart Thermostat Installation Toms River

Smart thermostat installation Toms River complete; display says "Set to SAVE"

We understand it may sound like the advantage of a smart thermostat over any other is slight. But, the real advantage is that it takes over when humans forget. As we mentioned, many homes have programmable thermostats, but not all of those home actually set a program. This takes away any advantage of having a programmable thermostat gives. Smart thermostats, however, can learn and program themselves. Removing the human factor increases the likelihood that a homeowner is going to be able to take advantage of every benefit a smart thermostat installation has to offer. Smart thermostats are so smart that they can track how long it takes to heat or cool a room and switch on at the exact moment of perfect efficiency. Programmable thermostats simply turn on and off when you tell them to.

An extra 5 minutes of heating or cooling per cycle doesn’t seem like a lot. However, consider how much time that adds up to over the lifetime of your HVAC system. For peak efficiency of your HVAC, be sure to schedule a routine inspection with us every spring and fall. Keeping a close eye on the workings of these units goes a long way towards keeping them running for as many years as possible. Overuse and neglect are two of the biggest factors in HVAC unit failure. Thankfully, avoiding that is easy when you hire us to examine your HVAC.

If you like everything you’ve read and have decided that a smart thermostat is for you, contact us today to schedule your smart thermostat installation Toms River and get set to save!